Sunday, June 16, 2013

What is it Like to Fall into a Black Hole?

In class this week we spent a lot of time talking about black holes.  We also talked about what it would be like to fall into a black hole.  At first, because I am very unfamiliar with the subject, I immediately thought of Alice in Wonderland....

....But now, after learning about black holes, I have a better understanding that my favorite childhood movie is definitely inaccurate.  I was having a hard time explaining exactly what it would be like to fall into a black hole.  I decided to youtube a video of it so that you can visually experience it for yourself.  After watching the Alice in Wonderland clip above, I'm sure you can see the difference in experiences!

There are a couple important points to this video that I found really interesting.  First, I think the idea of the singularity in the middle of the hole sounds fascinating.  I couldn't imagine being some place where the gravity is so strong! Another interesting concept that I picked up from this clip was the graph on the left side of the different levels of pull.  The narrator said that the green on the outside is the easiest to get out of, however starting with the orange, it is increasingly hard to get out of.  I would love to be in the red part to see how different it is compared to here on Earth!

Hopefully, now the next time someone mentions a black hole you think about the video above, and not Alice in Wonderland!

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